Thursday, May 31, 2012

Part 52 Summer on my doorstep

Summer is not officially here, but the first days of my summer break have arrived, and I celebrate by driving downtown with Becah to the medical center for a highly anticipated surgical procedure. It will be conducted by Dr. Ra-, whose practice is in a well known and respected hospital. The nurses have been tipped off by Becah’s nurse friend Nina, and are smiling and attentive, and together they offset any apprehensiveness I have about a procedure done in an unfamiliar setting. After the usual IV first, I joke around a little about how I expect to be treated like royalty, and yes, any meds that will relax me and ease me into unconsciousness will be appreciated. They comply, and shortly after I awake to find that Dr. Ra- has successfully widened my esophagus and has seen no signs of pathology. The catch, though, is that he too was impeded by the stricture and will need to do another procedure next week.

I have this to ponder as my family heads to Austin to visit my brother David, dodging motorcycles as they streak around us, heading for a big convention in Austin. We check into a pleasant hotel located beside a wooded area near my brother’s home on the north central part of town. A few of the bikers have also chosen this spot. We must immediately go swimming, of course, before we head off to a new shopping complex called the Domain Complex (sounds like the name of a spy thriller). I watch everyone eat what looks like a delicious pizza for dinner (no solid food yet) and we find ourselves in bed at an amazingly early (for a trip) 9:45.

After waking up the next morning at 7:45 (10 excellent hours of sleep) we drive to Round Rock to see my nephew and his family, then return to the hotel for a swim. We drive to Mt. Bonnell and take a short hike up the hill to catch a nice view of town. We head to the capital and over to Barton Springs to give the kids a quick look at Austin, only to find they have fallen asleep. We decide it’s time for my brother’s place, but first we must get past Toby the dog (not very imposing, but the girls have decided they are afraid of him). Eventually they warm up to him, and Bree throws a ball for him to fetch. My brother’s Mr. T. toy doll has everyone cracking up. It’s enchiladas all around (with one exception) and we are back at the hotel for another night.

I love hotels. I usually sleep well the first night, but I always sleep well the second. My streak continues. After drinking coffee while the kids enjoy a breakfast of scrambled eggs, biscuits and mango juice, we swim briefly again before stopping back by David’s place. Beside his 20 feet high bay leaf tree, David discusses with me his apprehensiveness about his prostate condition and his many treatment options. On the way home we grab to-go sandwiches while Brooke naps, accompanied our friends by the bikers. Outside of Houston we stop at an outlet mall and bring home lots of clothes for the kids and me (surprisingly, though, none for my wife). At home we reflect on the beautiful, sunny weekend, and although I am still plagued with a malfunctioning esophagus which certainly restricts my eating options, there are plenty of bright spots.

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