Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Part 148 The haunted tube

I get up the next morning, and with effort, manage to drag myself in to work about 8:45. I am totally lacking in energy, and I have to force myself to just get out of bed. Bathing, eating, and getting dressed, activities that we do by rote, now require some effort to complete. I tell my tales of woe to whoever will listen. At 11:00 I leave, heading with Becah and the kids to meet with Dr. Bl-’s assistant, Allison. All morning, from work to the long medical center drive, through the meeting, my tube works perfectly, even as I complain to Allison about how horrible it is and how it won’t quit leaking. We stop in at Quizno’s to get Becah a sandwich and the leaking immediately starts. Becah changes the bandage and we proceed to Dr. Be-’s office for a swallow study.

By now just the mention of this fills me with apprehension. This time, though, I experience some success – Dr. Be- reports that my throat looks good, and I am swallowing 75-80% of my food well (what is happening to the 20-25%, though?). She suggests that I practice on small amounts of smooth, creamy foods initially. She also reassures me that the hoarseness in my voice will improve in a week or so.

We stop for yoghurt before going home. I am exhausted upon returning, this being my most active day out in a long time.

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