Sunday, September 2, 2012

Part 153 Tres leches, cheesecake, and the last threads of summer

I work another half day and return home for a light lunch. But by evening I am at a Mexican restaurant, chowing down on enchilada, taco, tamale, beans, rice, chips, and tres leches cake like a true champion. Later, the kids are building a fort in the den as we watch TV when my mother calls with news that her lung is tumor-free.

Becah drives GG home on Saturday morning as I rest, groggy from waking up often last night. A hurricane is bearing down on the east coast, but it is dry as a bone here. I am not feeling so well today and eat a little clam chowder washed down with Power Ade, doing little to boost my weight from its paltry 141 pounds.

I rebound Sunday, though, rising to the occasion of celebrating my parents 65th anniversary, meeting my parents and brothers, and their families at Landry’s. I try most of what is available on the buffet, filling my plate twice, even making room for cheesecake. I am excited by all the food and am inspired by my heroic efforts!

Some shaky mornings meet me at the start of a new school year. I meet with various school staff members in the oncoming days, both to inform everyone about my temporary restricted schedule and to obtain some assistance in completing my work duties.

I have discovered blood in my urine the past two days. I worry that kidney stones may be lurking. After all I’ve been through, though, this possibility does not bother me greatly.

I work half days, enjoy lunch at home while listening to “Pet Sounds” by the Beach Boys, and hang on to the last threads of the summer that has essentially eluded me this year.

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