Sunday, March 20, 2011

John update

Hi Folks,

I am currently a bloggie loser.  I have not been diligent in updating you about my John but I say, "no news is good news".  

John is truly feeling great.  He has gained about 16 lbs since this summer's low of 143.  He looks great.  He is coaching Bree's softball team and loving every minute of it.

The "bad" news is, and it is very relative,  he is not able to eat as well as we would like.  He can mostly only pass liquids now due to a benign esophageal stricture. 

The "good" news is, we live in Houston and have access to the fabulous Texas Medical Center. 

This leads us to this week.  Thursday, John will have a scope (he has had many of these) by Dr. Shanda Blackmon (she has never scoped him).  During the scope, Dr. Blackmon will look around at the stricture and take some biopsies (biopsies have already been taken and were benign).  Dr. Blackmon will do her own scope and biopsies b/c the plan is that in about a month she along with plastic surgeon, she will perform an esophageal reconstruction on John.  Thus allowing him to eat normally again.

This is very exciting and also scary b/c it is major, major surgery.  Both doctors will block off the entire day for the surgery.  It will require them deflating one lung and opening his chest among other gory details.  He has passed all heart and brain screenings for surgery with flying colors and Dr. Blackmon said that he certainly does not look like the same guy who has been through all the things which his chart details for this past year.  Yes Lord, for this and many other things, we are so very grateful. 

While the Butler family is still experiencing its fair share of curveballs, we are still very, very blessed and truly happy with all of the gifts God has given us.

I ask for prayers for John tonight has we face this next curve ball. I also ask for prayers tonight for two of our church families who are facing medical issues right now.  These prayers we pray with a heart that knows that God's plan will make every thing right.

Love, Bec

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